Autobiographical PowerPoint Assignment

Pretend you lost your memory and your family is producing a PowerPoint in order to help you re-define and remember who you are. (Of course, you are the one who is going to be producing the PowerPoint.)

Your PPT should include 7 slides at the very least. You should also divide your production into these categories:
a. Title with author’s name
b. Family history (your ancestors and where they came from)
c. Age birth to 5
e. Kindergarten to 6th Grade
f. 6th to 8th Grade
g. 9th to 11th grade
h. Conclusion

You should have at least 4 pictures (of yourself or family.) You should spell everything correctly. Include anecdotes from your past that help define who you are and what you are like (see page 7 & 8 in your text.) Add a bit of music somewhere.  You also should add animation.

Your presentation will be projected. Be sure to use fonts that are big enough to see from the back of the room. Use backgrounds that do not interfere with the fonts. PowerPoint presentations should not be "wordy." Use the least amount of words to get your point across.  Use the “rule of seven.”

You will be graded on neatness and completeness. When presenting--use the points on the PowerPoint to remind you of what to say. Please don't read everything word-for-word.